Conquer Your Child's Rashesᵀᴹ

(CYCRᵀᴹ) Online Course


When your child struggles with their skin, getting the help you need is time-sensitive.


With CYCRᵀᴹ Online, You Will Learn How To Conquer Your Child's Rashes Without Relying On Diet Restrictions And Skin Creams, And When You Join, You Get Instant Access To:


My Step-By-Step Proprietary And Proven Roadmap To Address Root Causes Of The Problem.


Resources To Build Your Child's Nutrition, Lifestyle, And Supplement Protocol.


A Private Online Community With Monthly Live Group Coaching For Real-Time Support And Guidance.

Get The CYCRᵀᴹ Online Course

Imagine knowing exactly what steps you need to take to get your child a life-changing skin transformation.


Imagine how incredibly powerful having a roadmap to get these kinds of results would be.


Imagine getting access to this roadmap right now!

I created this roadmap.

There was such a need for it based on the limited number of my colleagues who work in skin and the even smaller number who work exclusively with children.

Nothing like it was available!

With the roadmap, you get the information, resources, interventions, and recommendations that have come from the years of experience I’ve had successfully helping hundreds of children in my private practice. 


Then, I took the roadmap and built the entire CYCRᵀᴹ Online Course around it.

If you dream of the day when you and your child can feel freedom from their skin rashes, CYCRᵀᴹ Online will help you get there.  


With the CYCRᵀᴹ Online Course

  • Your child can eat more foods, sleep better, feel good in their skin, and regain normalcy. 
  • You can build the foundation your child needs to grow, develop, function, thrive, and build and repair healthy skin. Your child's foundation is critical. If you're here, and they are still experiencing skin symptoms, puzzle pieces are missing. Many jump ahead too soon, neglecting the importance of building a strong foundation. CYCRᵀᴹ Online will show you how to build that foundation and give you the step-by-step roadmap you need to ultimately solve the problem.
  • You can stop relying on diet restrictions and skin creams!
Get The CYCRᵀᴹ Online Course

What people are saying about CYCRᵀᴹ Online

"There isn't much out there to help children and babies, so this program really stood out to me. 

The most significant change I've made is giving him all types of foods now! No more elimination diets!"

-Ashleigh C


"My daughter's skin is practically clear, with just a few stubborn spots left on the backs of her legs! No more scratching and bleeding! Thank you, Jennifer, for this program. As a dietitian, I loved it. I'm grateful my daughter is doing so well, and I highly recommend this program if your child is suffering from skin rashes."

- Erin

"I'm so thankful I took the course! I'm nursing, I was only eating a handful of foods, and my daughter's skin was at its worst. 

I've gradually added almost all foods back in, and her skin has gotten so much better."

- Corryn E


"My son's skin is looking better! His skin barrier is improving, we expanded his diet, and he's eating more protein! This program was super helpful, and I loved the supplement recommendations and dosing Jennifer offers in the modules. I had tried a lot of different supplements on my own and didn't see any improvements. Being able to leverage Jennifer's knowledge and expertise has been a game-changer for my son's health journey. Thank you for making this program available [and at such a low price]."

- Shannon

"I wish I had found this course earlier. It feels like I’ve been trying to work things out myself for years, and doing something like this is really actually helping me find solutions! Thank you for this course!"



"My daughter is 6, and we've been battling eczema since she was 4 months old. We did all the things: doctor's visits, allergy testing, elimination diets, changed cleaning products, and organic cotton clothes, every cream imaginable (including years of steroids), TCM, homeopathy, even saw a local Naturopath... you name it, we tried it. None of it solved the problem. I wish I found Jennifer and this program 6 years ago! I still can't believe the improvements my daughter has had, thanks to this program and Jennifer's recommendations."

- Elizabeth

"My daughter can now have all the foods that were restricted before! I feel liberated, and I'm so relieved. 

She now has little to no issues with her skin, and her gut is on the road to recovery."



"I can't even begin to tell you how much time I've spent Googling myself down rabbit holes trying to fix my daughter's skin. Everything I tried seemed to make the problem worse. I felt completely helpless and like I was failing my little girl. Jennifer's program was recommended to me by a friend who had taken it and gotten results for their baby. I am beyond grateful I took this course! Jennifer expertly pulls the puzzle pieces together, and now I have the tools I need. My daughter is finally getting relief, and her skin is clearing!"

- Matt

"Jennifer's knowledge about childhood eczema drew me to enroll in this program. Especially because there isn't a lot out there specific to kids and eczema. I have gained so much knowledge and the price for the program is unbeatable!"

-Jennifer P


"Thank you, Jennifer, so much for this course, and your guidance and support. I was at a loss about what to do for my daughter and felt so out of control. Now, we've seen such huge improvements in her skin with this program! She had broken, open sores on the backs of her legs that just would not get better, and now they are, and people are commenting on how good her skin looks!"


"I needed support for my 6-month-old, and this course was a great option because I could stop doing everything on my own and get the support and guidance I needed without spending thousands of dollars. The information provided and the interaction with other parents and Jennifer are so wonderfully helpful!"



"I absolutely loved this program! Jennifer and this course have been so helpful, and we are seeing improvements in our daughter's skin and her digestion. Before finding this program, we did all the typical things. Derm, peds, and allergist visits, and all we were given were steroids, which didn't even help much at all. I wanted to get to the root cause of the problem, and that's exactly what we've been able to do with this course, and Jennifer's support and guidance. Thank you for making this course available at such a low price!"

- Melissa

"I wanted to take this course because I loved the emphasis on expanding my child's diet and not eliminating more foods. I'm learning everything I hoped to in the course, including how to support my baby with diet and without panic!"



"My 2-year-old son was struggling with horrible eczema, and nothing we did helped. His diet got so limited he stopped growing and was diagnosed with failure to thrive. I was so relieved to find Jennifer and this program. Based on Jennifer's guidance in the course, we expanded his diet, and he's growing! His skin is starting to improve too! I'm extremely appreciative of Jennifer and the work she does for families like ours. I can't thank her enough for the difference she's made in our lives and for our son."

- Jamie

"Our son noticeably improved within a few days of trying some of Jennifer's recommendations! Listening to Jennifer expertly explain complex issues has given us confidence that we are on the right path."



"This program was incredible! I'm so grateful Jennifer made this available for such a reasonable price! Especially compared to the thousands of dollars I had spent first, trying to help my daughter's skin, and nothing was helping. I'm in shock about how well my daughter is doing now! Her skin is almost completely clear already, and her constipation is gone. I wish I had found Jennifer and this course sooner. If your child is struggling and you need help, this program is exactly what you need."


"We tried everything, we were desperate, and we refused to believe that our little girl would have to live like this for the rest of her life.

 It was so refreshing for a practitioner to tell us we didn't have to live with eczema for the rest of our lives, and that there's a root cause that can be addressed. 

We saw a dramatic improvement in our daughter's skin after a few weeks. Even friends commented to us how good her skin was looking! We saw her mood and behavior improve, and she's had some improvement in sleeping longer through the night."

-Katrina U

"Thank you, Jennifer, for being so so thoughtful about what to specifically use for CHILDREN. I can’t stress this enough, we’ve been with functional doctors who supplemented our son like crazy and the protocols that they used made him way worse. Your thoughtfulness and holistic understanding of these little systems are so so important! Thank you thank you!

-Kim A


"I’m already seeing results in her skin and mood!

I’m happy I jumped into this course. Jennifer is so knowledgeable and you can tell she is passionate about what she does."

-Melissa I

"I appreciate Jennifer's knowledge and that she specializes in skin health for children! My biggest hesitation about joining was asking myself if it was worth it to take the course. I am enjoying the course content, it has broadened my knowledge and given me other options to consider implementing. I have focused on food up to this point and now I know we need to support his body in other ways to help his skin. It's a lot of great information and support. The program is an affordable way for us to continue helping our son with his skin!"

-Kimberly W

"I’m feeling much more empowered. Other practitioners never helped us get to the root cause of the problem, and Jennifer does. It's evident that she put in the work to create content that is actionable!  Jennifer is so kind and approachable and makes everyone feel at ease. It's refreshing! She is really making an impact and this type of work is so appreciated because we need it desperately, and no one is really doing it with this level of experience and expertise. So thank you!!"

-Sarah D


"I can't thank Jennifer enough! I was at such a loss about what to do. I felt so out of control and did not know how to help my daughter. Before starting the program with Jennifer, my daughter had open, broken sores on the backs of her legs. The recommendations given in the program have made a huge difference. Her skin is improving so much, and people even comment on how well she is doing and how good her skin looks!"

-Katie L

"I enrolled in this course to learn more about the root cause of eczema. I wanted to understand why this was happening to my child.

Jennifer offered so much information and shared valuable knowledge.

Since taking the course, I can act with confidence and knowledge, and I have hope for my child's future. I worry less, don't have as much anxiety, and I'm able to allow my child to eat more foods instead of limiting his diet even more.

The price I paid was well worth it!

I absolutely recommend this course"



"We were so relieved to find jennifer. Our son was diagnosed with failure to thrive because of his limited diet. We had tried so many elimination diets to help his skin. 

We expanded his diet based on the information Jennifer shared in the program. His skin is improving, and he is also growing and gaining weight!

We are extremely appreciative of Jennifer and the work she does to help families and children like ours. We cannot thank her enough for making this program available!"

-Jamie C

"This course stood out to me because it is affordable. I always hesitate to spend money (it's a concern for us) without a guarantee of a return, but I had been following Jennifer's work for a while on social media and I felt like we had a good shot at learning more and getting results! I appreciate the personal responses I got to my questions. Being able to ask questions and hear others' questions being answered is amazing. I like all of the resources that have been provided, and that prior course live calls are available too. I feel like we are on our way to finally clearing our son's skin, and I'm optimistic and hopeful about it! This course is absolutely worth the investment."

- Nicole W


"I am so thrilled with the progress my son has made. Thank you, Jennifer, so much! Ever since starting the program, his rashes have improved, he has been healthier and stronger, and he's excelling in school!"

- Kim A

Get The CYCRᵀᴹ Online Course

With the CYCRᵀᴹ Online Course and access to the roadmap, you will learn and apply the key steps I implement with clients that get them results.

The course modules and key steps of the roadmap include


  • Welcome!
  • About your instructor
  • Course outline, goals, and objectives
  • Behind-the-scenes course tour
  • Bonus lessons
    • Order of the steps
    • Stress and rashes
    • Introducing supplements
    • Product and supplement access
    • And more

Ditch the Itch 

  • Learn strategies to manage and relieve your child’s debilitating skin symptoms
  • Support the skin barrier to prevent leaky skin and skin infection
  • Lower the risk for food and environmental allergen sensitization
  • Bonus Lessons
    • Rashes and allergies
    • Nickel and eczema
    • Histamine
    • Skin products and pH (and why it matters)
    • Hidden allergens and triggers
    • The problem with paper products
    • Climate and weather as triggers
    • Trying to DIY skin infections (don't do it)
    • Diaper rash
    • Acne
    • Rosacea
    • Psoriasis
    • And more


  • Learn how to nourish your child so that their body has the fuel it needs to do everything it's supposed to: grow, develop, function, thrive, and build and repair healthy skin
  • Understand why elimination diets can be problematic and how to get off them
  • Feel confident expanding your child's diet
  • Bonus lessons
    • Why elimination diets don't work
    • How to get off your elimination diet
    • One of the biggest diet mistakes you're making
    • Picky eaters
    • Sugar and rashes
    • Lowering the risk for eczema and allergies
    • And more


  • Learn how to support your child's immune system 
  • Combat the oxidative stress that leads to inflammation and the underlying mechanisms for the development of chronic skin rashes
  • Bonus lessons 
    • Pets, allergies, rashes
    • Nutrient deficiencies in kids with rashes
    • Food allergy, IgE testing, and eczema
    • Dust mite allergy
    • Food allergies and parasites
    • And more


  • Learn how to support your child's detoxification pathways the right way and avoid common detoxification mistakes 
  • Understand how the body actually does detox 
  • Bonus lessons
    • Water and detoxification
    • Constipation and detoxification
    • MTHFR
    • Liver detoxification in babies and children
    • Mold
    • And more


  • Understand the Gut-Skin axis and how a healthy gut leads to healthy skin
  • Learn what a real gut repair protocol should look like and what steps need to be part of it
  • Know what probiotics (and other supplements) to try and why you want to avoid others
  • Bonus lessons
    • Probiotics for eczema
    • Gut health for skin health
    • Factors influencing the gut microbiome in babies and children
    • H. pylori
    • Akkermansia
    • Food allergies and parasites
    • And more


Wrapping it up!

  • Review case study success stories! 

You get nutrition, lifestyle, supplement, and dosing suggestions for each step of the roadmap so that you can build your child's protocol to conquer their rashes.

Get The CYCRᵀᴹ Online Course

Get Conquer Your Child’s Rashesᵀᴹ (CYCRᵀᴹ), The Online Course, and

  • Learn strategies to manage your child’s itchy, leaky skin 
  • Know what your child should eat for healthy skin, a strong immune system, functioning detoxification pathways, optimal gut health, and overall growth and development so that they can have clear skin, and thrive!
  • Feel confident expanding your child’s diet
  • Understand what’s causing the problem in the first place
  • Know what testing can help identify root cause imbalances at the heart of the problem
  • Get access to professional-grade supplement suggestions and dosing 
  • Have access to countless other resources
  • Get support from Jennifer and a community of others who are on similar health journeys with their children
  • Ask questions within the course platform
  • Access to a Private Online Community for monthly live coaching support
  • Prioritized application process to become a VIP private client for GI Map testing, personalized protocols created for you, and private support
  • And so much more!

What people are saying about CYCRᵀᴹ Online

"I had no hesitation about signing up for this course. I can't thank Jennifer enough for being there on this journey with us, and I'm eternally grateful to have found her! I'm learning everything I hoped for and more! Finally, someone can explain why my child is really suffering with rashes. Jennifer has finally given us hope that our child will not have to live with this or remember this horrible time in her little life! "

-Katrina U


"Thank you for making this program available! I am truly grateful to have options outside of the conventional steroid ladder. This opportunity has already done huge things for our family, and I know we're just scratching the surface. There is SO MUCH information, and I am so glad it's in the format it is because I can go back to previous lessons and rewatch them, take notes, etc. and create a roadmap for my kiddos. If you're ready to learn and do the root cause work, this is a great course for you!"

- Corryn E

"I so appreciate this course and am grateful that I encountered it. I will be using it as a resource and reference point long-term. The class series truly was helpful for me. I love the healthy reframes on how restrictive diets just aren't the thing. That's a massive myth-buster for me. I really admire Jennifer's knowledge, openness and expertise, and helpful advice! Thank you again for such a fantastic series. I will be using Jennifer as a resource going forward!"

-Molly K


"When Jennifer spoke about not blaming food and that there's a root cause of all the issues my child had, I knew I wanted to take this course, and nothing was holding me back from joining. SO many doctor visits and so much money wasted until I was referred to Jennifer and this program. I now have tools in my toolbox to really help my daughter's rashes. Just thank you, I have never felt like someone is on my (and my toddler's) side. We've been to so many doctor visits and specialists, and no one has given me the option that I can help fix this rather than just give her more ointments or just keep certain foods out of her diet. Jennifer and this program have been the life jacket we've needed."

- Alyssa

"The expertise and knowledge Jennifer has about kids and rashes grabbed my attention and are why I joined. I have researched so much on my own over the years about histamine, filaggrin, l-histidine, GI map, Metabolomix, and different probiotics but felt SO confused, alone, and depressed. I did not know where to get the right help. At first, I was afraid this would just be another course, just more information... Now I'm so glad I joined! I have learned so much and now have new strategies to help my kid.  The program is so helpful - It's a mix of everything I need! Not too much and not too little information. A perfect balance! It covers everything I hoped it would and more."



"I joined the program so that I could help my daughter. I was a little hesitant about the time commitment, but I realized my daughter's health is more important, and I had to find the time! There is so much great information and so many resources. Everything I was hoping to learn was covered in the lessons. The course is well organized and informative, and I 100% recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about the root cause of eczema for their child.

-Nancy G

"I love that the program is specific to kids. The supplement and dosing recommendations are very useful too. I highly recommend this course. Family and friends ask me what they should do about their kids' eczema, and this course is essential to parents dealing with these types of issues with their kids. Especially if they have already gone down all the conventional routes and realize there must be something more or another way to help their kid."

-Stephanie K


“Thank you for this course! It has given me so much hope for my little one’s future and courage to feed him more foods.”

-Sandra K


"I highly recommend this course! All the information is in one place, and the time saved from gathering information on my own is well worth the investment. I went through a great amount of distress while breastfeeding my daughter, eliminating foods and not seeing any changes. I was unsure of how to reintroduce foods and how long to wait for reactions, and this program really helped me expand her diet and mine!"

-Allison S

"The small financial investment I made to enroll in this course was very worth the value I received! I highly recommend this course! I am learning what I had hoped to! The program is practical and explains the root causes of the problem. I really appreciate the resources that are included, like supplement recommendations and dosing, and all of the strategies and tools I can use to help my child. I'm beginning to study functional medicine and nutrition, and I really appreciate Jennifer's approach and willingness to share her knowledge with families that need it so much! So much of what Jennifer shares in the course isn't found in books or other classes. If you want to learn about root causes of your child's eczema and what to do about it, this is a great program for you."

-Susan S

"I joined the program because I had already learned so much from Jennifer's Instagram posts and her podcast interviews, and I wanted to dive deeper and get to the root cause of the problem for my child. The lessons, resources, and recommendations are very helpful. I would definitely recommend this program to others."

-Clara L


"This course has been amazing. It's really informative about the "why." I love how it's broken down into really clear topics. The resources are fantastic. I feel like I under paid for this course! I'm walking away with so much knowledge. Thank you, Jennifer. You are making a real difference to so many people. I would absolutely recommend this course, it has exceeded my expectations!"

-Rebecca M (Australia)


"I wish I had known about your program a long time ago. I have been to multiple practitioners with no results.

I most definitely recommend this course. I love the content and supplement information. Jennifer gives so much and tries to help everyone to the extent she's able outside of being a one-on-one client, she genuinely wants to help others."

- Michelle T

You can conquer your child's rashes!

Get The CYCRᵀᴹ Online Course

I'm Jennifer! 

I'm sure you remember how hard it is to be a kid, especially when you don't look like everyone else. And if your child has rashes, not only are you struggling to manage the debilitating itch, pain, dryness, weeping, and lack of sleep, you're probably worried that they'll be self-conscious and insecure about looking different.

As a kid, I distinctly remember how uncomfortable I felt in my body. I was born with a congenital difference so my body didn’t look like everyone else’s… and I also remember what it felt like to think everyone was judging me because of it. 

In addition to my own struggles, my father has suffered from psoriasis since he was 6 years old, and he developed psoriatic arthritis at age 35 (I was 10 years old at the time). He is now in his 70s, and I’ve watched him continue to deteriorate. This disease stole my father from me and, therefore, my childhood. I don’t want this to happen to your family. 

I’m on a mission to do everything I can to help kids grow up with the confidence they need to succeed. I’m passionate about helping your child, so they don’t struggle like I did... because they don’t need to.

I want to help your child while they're young enough that they'll never remember there was ever a problem. And I know you want this for your child too.

A big part of that is making sure you are doing the RIGHT things… instead of doing things that create bigger ones.

I’ve helped hundreds of kids, and I want yours to grow up healthy and happy and not have concerns that will follow them into adulthood and hinder their prosperity.

Your child doesn’t have to struggle with disruptive skin symptoms, and you certainly don’t have to figure this out alone.

Frequently asked questions about Conquer Your Child’s Rashesᵀᴹ (CYCRᵀᴹ) the Online Course

Get The CYCRᵀᴹ Online Course

When you join CYCRᵀᴹ Online, you will 

Have access to five research-based recordings and EXTENSIVE bonus content ($2000+ value) that will give you the tools you need to manage your child’s debilitating skin symptoms and apply the full roadmap to build your child’s foundation and restore balance, that gets my clients life-changing skin transformations.

Your child's foundation is critical. If you're here, and they are still experiencing skin symptoms, puzzle pieces are missing. Many jump ahead too soon, neglecting the importance of building a strong foundation. CYCRᵀᴹ Online will show you how to build that foundation and give you the step-by-step roadmap you need to ultimately solve the problem.

In CYCRᵀᴹ Online, I share the research and my clinical experience that helps my clients get the transformation they dream of for their children, and you have ongoing access to course updates, changes, additions, etc. (Invaluable! You can't put a price on knowledge, expertise, experience, and ongoing access to it all.).


Through CYCRᵀᴹ Online, you will

  • Be empowered to know what you need to do to help your child feel better
  • Be challenged to think differently about your child’s chronic skin problems and how they should be addressed
  • Get nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement and dosing suggestions for each step of the roadmap so that you can build your child's protocol to conquer their rashes
  • Learn about functional testing that's critical for identifying your child’s unique root cause imbalances and what testing I use most often in my practice
  • Understand the deeper-dive interventions you need to take on your child's health journey
  • Get your questions answered for your child within the course platform
  • And so much more! 

You also have

  • Access to future CYCRᵀᴹ Online updates, changes, and additions!
  • Ability To Ask Questions Within The Course Platform And Access To A Private Online Community For Monthly Live Coaching Support
  • Prioritized application process to become a VIP private client for GI Map testing, personalized protocols created for you, and private support

With the CYCRᵀᴹ Online Course, you get access to the information, resources, interventions, and recommendations that have come from the years of experience I’ve had successfully helping hundreds of children without relying on diet restrictions and skin creams.

Total value $4000 + 

CYCRᵀᴹ Online Course - Instant Access

Build Your Child's Protocol And Get Your Questions Answered

  • Detailed Roadmap (Step-By-Step Signature And Proprietary Method) To Conquer Your Child's Rashes
  • Build Your Child's Protocol With Nutrition, Lifestyle, And Supplement Suggestions And Dosing
  • Get Answers To Your Questions Within The Course Platform
  • Access To A Private Online Community With Live Monthly Group Coaching Sessions
  • Upgrade To Become A VIP Private Client

Best Value $547

Or 2 Installments Of $300

Get The CYCRᵀᴹ Online Course


If You Have Questions Before You Start >> CONTACT US <<

We'll help you make the best decision for your child.

CYCRᵀᴹ Online sneak peek behind the scenes tour

Get The CYCRᵀᴹ Online Course